
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I came across an interesting website last night; it's called 8tracks.

The concept is simple: user-created playlists that anyone can browse and stream from their computer.  The argument: musical mixes that are "handcrafted" by human beings are more enjoyable than sites like Pandora.

After a little exploring I'll admit that 8tracks makes a compelling argument.  Sure, finding music that'll satisfy your mood might be a little less intuitive than Pandora, but I get the feeling that I'm more likely to find new music this way—and for me, knowing that another person took the time to "craft" what I'm hearing does make it more fun.

I signed up for free and played with their very simple, straightforward music uploader.  In no time I had DJ-ed together a broken-hearted-love-scorned-revenge mix that I've embedded below:

I don't know how much I'll personally use 8tracks to create awesome playlists like this one, but I'm looking forward to substituting this website for my usual dose of internet radio.

Check them out:

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